Image Release

I acknowledge that while attending a course run by Alpha Armoury Services, my photograph or video footage may be taken by the Organisers or an agent or designee of the Organisers. I knowingly understand and give consent to any photograph or filmed image taken of me participating in any activity within the facility and said photographs or film shall become the property of the Organisers or any of its designees. The Participant hereby grants the organiser and/or its agent or designee permission to use any such photographs or films of himself/herself for use in materials promoting the Organisers.  Such use may include publication in the local newspaper, website, brochures, general advertising and other vehicles that may be distributed to or otherwise seen by large numbers of individuals and potential patrons of the Organisers.

I acknowledge that if I do not wish my image to be captured I will not be able to be included in any showreel filming sections.

I agree to the image release *